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RE: Productive over busy

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

There's a time for productivity, my post today is related to work situation, one's professional life, rather than personal life. I get paid well to do my job and so have to deliver results, not being productive won't go well for the organisation or me; there's no going to parties or watching a series in my work day.


Sorry I misunderstood the question, would it be if you are really happy with the work you do, because in your words you notice some dissatisfaction?

No worries.

Yeah, I'm sometimes dissatisfied with my work, however I think most people probably are from time to time if they're honest about it. I generally like my job but there's complexities sometimes and aspects that I don't enjoy...but they pay me to do the job and I'll always do the best I can. You?

Even though the pay is very bad, I continue to do the best I can because I really like it, but sometimes I think if I should have chosen another profession because a teacher is not valued as she should be or maybe I am frustrated.

It speaks highly of your character that you continue to deliver your best efforts. Well done.