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RE: Failing Foreseeables

in Reflectionslast year

I liked reading your considerations on this... but as I read I thought, 'Maybe I wouldn't want to see the future at all!". I think that knowing what happened tomorrow would also change the way we enjoy life— maybe not to the same degree as knowing someone we love will die in a month etc... but we would always be reacting to the future, at least, I would!

I think that living in the present is something I've worked on too much to want this superpower... But it was fun to think on it, none the less. Thanks for the read!


but we would always be reacting to the future, at least, I would!

Aren't we doing that now anyway? We act for a purpose, it is always future based. The difference is how far into the future.

That is a wonderful point, and undeniably true! However, I believe that my general sense of anxiety may be too high to handle a larger concept of the future than I have been given...

For example, let's say I know that tomorrow I will see someone be cruel to another. Now, at night as I should be sleeping, instead I am wondering what I can/should do about that. Shuffling possibilities!

Of course, I do not believe in a predetermined future... So to me, it would be a lot of hopelessly trying to control variables. With this in mind, maybe I should want this super power, it would force me to be more zen to survive 🤣

You've given me a good bit to think about twice now hahaha! Thank you!😁