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RE: Do Not Engage

in Reflections2 months ago

I was just talking with my therapist about being ahead of the curve in your chosen field. It didn't take me long to identify this place (and other online spaces) that empower the individual to create and express himself without any of the BS that has become synonymous with mainstream media. I really think this is riding the wave, not merely going with the flow, as mainstream media, "journalism" as was, is on the way out.

Many still seem blinded by the old rules, though. To be a journalist, you need to write for these biased publications, you need to trade truth for clicks and so on. Oh well, guess that's why it's the tip of the wave, and not the whole flow. It hasn't happened yet.

I haven't been following this whole X thing, though considering the public stance, Musk could literally announce having discovered a foolproof cancer cure tomorrow, they'd still bash him in the MSM.

literally set up to optimise emotional, low-quality content that people just can’t get enough of,” University of Technology Queensland digital media expert Timothy Graham said.

Dunno who this Graham person is, but obviously not very up to speed. If anything, it seems to me people are reaching for more quality content online lately. It just depends where you look. And what you want to see...

I'm glad you see it all through such a healthy lens.