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RE: On the Walls

in Reflectionslast year

You know this reminds me of the dribbles that kids do when they want to draw a picture showing mum, dad, their siblings, and themselves.

It's amazing how the drawing may not have all the artist's perfection but is always original and when you look at it, you can experience the moment with them, and the message of being a part of their family will be passed to you.

You might even feel a tear break out because you see children in their innocence not caring about perfection, just drawing their family tree in a way that speaks volumes about their homes in a two-dimensional art form


Kid's drawings are great. I love drawing with my daughter and seeing what she comes up with. I don't teach her how to draw, but I do give her some tips on techniques she can play with.

That's lovely 😍

With all the things you have been teaching her, she will certainly grow up to be a wonderful lady.