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RE: Too much 69

in Reflections3 months ago (edited)

This made me giggle.

I am also on 69 and have been for a very long time. I remember when my rep was much lower, some of my friends that have been here a LOT longer than me would say the higher the rep went, the more votes and time it took to get to the next highest number, so I have seen that to be true along the way and expected it.

In general, I think the rep means pretty much nothing, but like you say, maybe a sign of longevity. My posting frequency goes in waves. Sometimes I wasn't doing anything or being involved in anything really new and I didn't feel like I had anything to tell. Other times like now, I am playing with and learning about the mixed media art, so I do have new things every few days, although, reading about the same subject might get old to others, it is also kind of a journal for me of this journey.

I have had my account since 2018 though and it hasn't taken you but about 2 years to get here, so I would count that as pretty good! Still, like you, I seem to keep watching that slow crawl to 70. It's kind of like waiting for that next golden age number as a child.

One day... one day we'll both be there. 😄


It seems like I've been on 69 for a year which I didn't expect, but it will move eventually, I just need to be patient. I think the main thing for me is just to focus on finding some enjoyment here, the process of making posts when I want to and for my own reasons rather than churning out posts like a production line; I don't think that would be fun.

Someday we'll be on 70 together and on top of the world...except for those who are on 71...and then it starts all over again for us. 🙃

Becca 🌷

In the beginning I watched it go nowhere a lot, but after a while, I didn't pay it much attention at all except when I would realize it was almost at the next fun milestone. Since I know after it finally does hit 70, it could be forever before it moves forward, I will lose interest again.... well.... maybe till it's almost 75, if I live that long LOL !!!

It stares at me, mocks me, taunts me and yet 70 remains elusive...Ok, not really, I know it will happen at some stage, as it will with you. I interact with a few in the 80+ range and con only imagine the effort and commitment it takes to achieve that...I'll be happy with 70, but am just as happy with 69, it's not a bad thing yes?

Becca 🌷