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RE: Stitched together

in Reflections6 months ago

If theres one thing im most grateful for this year, it would be being in this platform. I too dislike social media just because i dont feel like its a safe place for me to share my interests. But when i discovered this platform, i truly felt safe to share anything and everything under the sun that are of my liking. I was also surprised that some people also find my hobbies interesting when i thought people think its weird or boring. Thank you for keeping the hive ecosystem alive thru your posts, @galenkp😊 Have a good day!


How much a person enjoys themselves here probably comes down to their approach, attitude and reasons for being here. Many see it as a way to make some fast money but I believe that to be the wrong attitude as they tend not to bother building solid relationships which when the whale votes stop never works out well.

I'm glad to hear you've found a place you feel safe and welcome and keep up the good work.