the dynamics of the ego


Our being transcends everything, it is immensely beyond...
Beyond duality, beyond all those things that our person deems important and not.
Is it possible that everything that concerns our mind, therefore thoughts, emotions and feelings, are dictated exclusively by our ego?
And can we even just touch for a moment that the mechanisms of the ego need to be seen with awareness and try to treat them as if we were taking a child to eat an ice cream but without allowing him to drive the car?!
With this I'm not saying that the ego of our personality is wrong, don't misunderstand, but try to see that the ego of each of us makes us make mistakes and that if, however, we have a minimum of awareness towards it then they will be sacred mistakes because they allow us to learn and improve as a person.
Or rather, as the master Dante teaches us, they allow us to pass through the narrow door that leads from hell to Purgatory.
When I make a mistake and I apologize, do I do it because I really realized I made a mistake or because we were taught from an early age that after a mistake I have to apologize?
Am I aware of the mistake I made?
We have to see this for ourselves because many mistakes are subjective and it doesn't matter if other people consider your mistakes more or less important, don't give weight to this but give importance and gratitude to the mistake itself.
Every mistake you make and that you will make is dictated by the path you are going to take, realizing it also leads us to conscious displeasure and conscious suffering and if there is awareness here too then on a human level there is nothing better that we could have...
