The Gratitude Effect How Thankfulness Can Transform Your Life

in Reflections24 days ago

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Asslamoalekum and hello to my Reflection Community. This is my second post on this Community. In this post, I will talk about one of the interesting topics which will help you. The topic is how gratitude helps us to achieve our goals. Gratitude is one of the keys to success but most of us never realized the importance of gratitude. In our daily routine, we see many people leading a luxurious life but they are still not satisfied with their lives. They are in a rat race. They want to achieve more. In the meanwhile, they cannot enjoy the blessings which they have. They are leading a stressful life.

Now the question arises of how can we adopt the behaviour of gratitude in our lives. So in my opinion one of the methods for adopting gratitude behaviour is that from now on we should start counting the blessings that we have in our lives. If we have good health then we should be thankful to our God for this blessing because many people are suffering from various diseases nowadays remember if you do not have good health, everything is useless for yourself. So the first method of becoming thankful to our God is to count the facilities that you have.

Remember to adopt the behaviour of gratitude you will get rid of despair in your life. A person who does not thank God and always complains to others about his problems will always face stress and anxiety in his life.

I learnt this sense of gratitude from one of my close friends Imran Khan. He is leading a stress-free life. In every kind of situation, he thanks God and remains happy. I never saw him complaining about his problems. So when I applied this gratitude behaviour to myself, believe me, I was amazed to see the results. I transformed my behaviour to 180-degree means my personality changed from an angry person to a blissful person. Here I am quoting his famous statement, he says " My friend God likes that person who is always grateful to Him and never complains about his problems in front of others". One day I asked him when we were disappointed about the rubbish behaviour of people what should we do? He said you should ignore and forgive the rubbish behaviour of people and move on in life.

When I adopted gratitude behaviour my mental and physical health improved a lot. Now I am enjoying the peace and calmness in my life. God test us in the worst situation how a person behaves in that kind of situation. But believe me, if you are grateful to your God and accept this worst situation open-heartedly then nobody will stop you from achieving your goals in life.

If you want to lead a stress-free life you will have to adopt the behaviour of gratitude. It will help you to grow in life. It will give you inner peace and satisfaction. You will be free from anxiety and stress. Nowadays stress and anxiety have become common diseases. But if you have a sense of gratitude in your life you will lead a joyful life.

In the end, I will quote a reference from the Holy Book Quran Pak. In the Quran Pak ALLAH Almighty says
"If you are thankful to Me, I will give you more"

You have noticed that all the millionaires and billionaires have this sense of gratitude. They do not complain to others. They are always thankful to God and this is the main difference between a middle class and a millionaire.

So always be thankful to your God in every kind of situation and lead and face the hardships of life with a smiling face.

If you like this post do not forget to reblog it and give your valuable opinion in the comment box about today's blog.
Thanks for hanging out till the end.

English is not my native language so I apologise for the mistakes.

By till the next post.


Showing and living a life of gratitude is highly essential in helping us appreciates the moment and as well find happiness in the little things.

Gratitude also helps us be more conscious and be appreciated by those around us for being thoughtful enough to be grateful for their favours.

Yes, respected bro I agree with your thoughts.
Thanks for stopping.

You're welcome bro.

we should treat every person equal and if we will thank to Allah on His blessing, we will stay happy and you made nice review about life stress

Yes sir gratitude allows us to lead a happy and stress free life.
Thanks for your valuable opinion.