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RE: Nothing Left to Give

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

Ok, I knew I read something about this. Now, this is a bit complicated and needs at least 3-6 months of training, but it will bring some results. Lucid dreaming - not the flower power stuf, but the sciency thingie.

So, you need to do your homeworks and the training. Short version: lucid dreaming is happening when you are aware that you are in a dream. Once you realize you are dreaming, you can do whatever you like, it is like a sandbox world/universe, where you can do whatever you like, the most advanced virtual game ever. You can fly, use superpowers, practice skils, whatever, sky is not even the limit. You are like a world builder, except that is no physical limit.

There are two proven ways to raise awareness while dreaming. One is called reality check, where you quickly check continuity in the 'real' world look around, and see if the space and time are continuosu with no gaps (basically check if you are awake or dreaming). Once you do this long enough, at some moment you will do it while dreaming, and realise you are in a dream.

Another method is to keep a dream journal, and try to write as much as you remember when you wake up, on it, you will see that you only have a 1-2 minutes window and then the memories fade away. Again, do this long enough, and the window increase, and this also happen when you fall asleep, erasing memories of your time awake when you fall asleep. Being aware on that window, when you fall asleep and when you wake up, help keeping you aware while dreaming.

Third method is by using suggestions in the pre-sleep phase - thinking something along the lines: "I am aware when I am in dream state" or "I have lucid dreams".

There are other methods, but you need to search for them and try them, to find what is working for you.

Now, because of lucid dreaming and because your awareness will increase, the brain perception will change, something to do with adjusting to different 'realities' and becoming more aware of your body and brain processes too, but also a clarity of some sorts, and an increase in what we call artistic skills, like musical ear, art perception and related stuff, some of this skils improve or appear, even if you did not have them before. It has something to do with the brain capacity to adapt and learn.

Look online, check through all the crap and find the good informations, apply and do some form of training that works for you and enjoy the rewards. Even if you only manage to have some lucid dreams now and then, it is still worth the effort.

In terms of neuroscience, you may know that learning a foreign language kind of open a new form of perception, and your own distinct personality, as a new section in your memory, related to that specific language.

Lucid dreaming is doing a similar thing, but in a more global, included way, as it is almost another kind of 'world' that you adapt to. I would say that 10% cannot do lucid dreaming, 10 percent do it naturally, and the majority 80% are able to do it after 3 to 18 months of training.

Good luck @tarazkp !