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RE: Sport

in Reflections9 months ago (edited)

I think that from an early age children should do some sport that involves socializing (Since they start going to school). However, the child may not like the sport and can not be forced, but perhaps another activity such as music or I do not know ... a laboratory to do experiments with other children, or in an explorer camp... something that takes him out of the room and video games. I love everything you've told about your nephew. I believe that today's children may be smarter but they are also in danger of getting stuck in their own thoughts, if they are not dosed with access to technology, especially video games. This thing about your nephew having his bike and signing up for the BMX club is great.

I like that perfume. I like to wear men's perfumes.


My nephew is a legit little kid and I think is on the right trajectory to becoming a decent adult; he has good role models, is exposed to many different things (as explained in this post) and has a good character and nature.

That's one of the colognes I wear, it's pretty legit although a bit old-school I guess. I like it though, as do those around me who get close enough to catch the scent and that's what matters I suppose. Now, tell me about this wearing of men's scents that you spoke of. What's that about?

because women's perfumes are cloying, very sweet and gnashing. I do not like.

I get it.