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RE: Discursive

in Reflections2 months ago

Hi, G... Communication is key in all areas. At work, personally and even introspectively.
Expressing an idea or feeling without any clarity leads to overwhelm, misinterpretation and even anguish.
I have to laugh about the long words you mention. 😂 In my area, you see a lot of these speeches full of big words that are empty when put together. Because behind it there is only a desire to stand out and vanity. What a lot of nonsense and lack of intelligence!
The best thing to do is to be brief and say what you want to say without so much beating about the bush.

I am patient and I try to understand but there comes a time when I get tired of all the talk. And in the end I give up and withdraw all my attention.


I'm communicating to you that communication is a good thing to communicate when communication is required, or one will fail to communicate the communication and when communication isn't communicated then there's a total break down of communication.

Are you discombobulated? (a long word for confused.)