Health and resilience

in Reflections2 months ago


Health is not only mental, the health of the body affects the quality of life of a person being in the military hospital I went to find out the process for consultation with the ophthalmologist these last few weeks I have a lot of discomfort in my head that does not go away only relieved with analgesic at first I thought that is nonsense, but no it has been weeks and the discomfort continues it is time to consult a professional.

While there I met a co-worker whose son was born with a condition in his spine and feet that have not allowed him to walk, I was taking him to rehabilitation, this is operation number 13, he is twelve years old, I have always been impressed by the way this child has faced his health problem and how skillful he is, although he depends on his father to get around because his mother abandoned him, he is independent.


When your dad works, who does he stay with?

I asked that question to my co-worker because he is in the military although he has had some considerations because of his situation for many activities he has to do his guards with whom he stays? His answer is that he only knows how to defend himself and the positive attitude of the child his hopes dreams of being able to walk transmits hope as I talked to them, many things went through my head and one was that this child and his father are resilient, this reminds me that health is not guaranteed.

What if health deteriorates? Are we doomed to unhappiness?

The truth seeing this child his joy in the midst of disability I do not think so but it is not easy emotionally to deal with an illness I think we should not wait for health to deteriorate and prevent of course there are genetic cases of birth that make you resilient as the case of eidan aso is called the son of my coworker.

We are used to overeating, we have to be balanced, prevention is important, although it was a hospital in the parking lot was a young man smoking contaminated his body this brings long-term consequences perhaps because of the youth he believes that his life is long but it is not necessarily so, the mind and body are related perhaps it was his way to control his anxiety


I believe that eidan and his pi acquired resilience, they have no other choice but to face the disease, they decided to leave depression aside and adapted to their situation, they are always looking for ways to face it, overcoming every obstacle that comes their way, eidan handles his wheelchair with great agility, you almost don't need help to move from one place to another, I saw his hands full of calluses because of the wheels of his chair, but his attitude is impressive.


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