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RE: Leaving a little room for the "U" and "D"

in Reflections2 months ago

very interesting , we all believe in some projects and all projects come with their share of scammers and fudders.
the thing is , no one knows which direction it is going to take.
Sometimes i listen to some pro videos about cryptos and you realise , those people are just here to sell a program, a token or a project of their own.
Cryptos is on a road paved with bad intentions and looks like only the scammers made it or makes it... i dont think you lost your 300$ but i think everything slows down because as you see, the market sucks and we hear all types of scenarios.
but hey , we are still here , we are not lazy panda , but we still trying to hold tight.


Yeah, there are a lot of questions right now and not a lot of answers from the team. If you look it up online most people think it is a scam, but then you have pockets of people who still believe and at least part of a team that is keeping the community going. It's going to be interesting to see how it all shakes out.

People think all projects are scams..even btc is a scam for 90% of the planet.
ok then , it will be a scam unless proven to be a great project.
but if you still see a team in there , its good sign.
I am in some projects ...all team is "sick" 😂

Dont we have fun in cryptos !

I've been talking to some people and it seems to be that the team here is involved in some past scams, so it isn't looking too good. I'm just glad I didn't throw more into it.

Dont believe this , they all say this after they say its a scam.
only time will tell and yes if you lose it sucks but it should never stop you to not go into other projects.