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RE: Pretend drinks

in Reflectionslast month

I think people have different reactions when they see others not drinking in a party. Good natured ones might think someone just didn't serve/give you one and are being nice. Some want to strike a conversation and offer a drink. Others think those not drinking aren't having fun. I'm not saying they're right, but that some do have good intentions.


Yes, quite clearly that is the case, it's obvious really. In the case I specifically relate to above however, the guy wanted to impress me with the intention to have sex with me, I just didn't say it as plainly as that in my post.

Becca 🌷

Oh, I thought you said it was a gathering of friends, so I didn't include that because I expected everyone to know that you are with your partner. I'm sorry you had to experience that though.

It's ok. I also said that "I knew most of the people there but there were a few I didn't..."

Becca 🌷