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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

Reading the comments, I'm very jealous. It seems a lot of people are lucky. I don't think I am. Just from playing Splinterlands and other games, I can see how horrible my luck is. I almost never win any raffles, but I've known people that has won multiple, and my father usually wins even a small prize when he joins. I got asthma when I was barely 4 months old, and it caused a lot of problems as I grew up.

That is why I try not to rely on luck as much as possible. I will rely on my skills and hard work to get what I want, instead of hoping I get lucky.


I like what you said in the last line; rely on your efforts, those things you do to to take you closer to the things you want to achieve and leave luck and chance to those who don't want to take an active role in their own life.