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RE: Child Electric

in Reflections5 months ago

It is very curious why special needs children are mixed in to regular classes. It isn't about inclusion, it is what's best for all. The current system is already bad since all kids have different learning speed and the teacher needs to adjust. Adding special needs really skews the learning speed difference. Not only do those kids need individual attention, but a regular class is not conducive for learning for them.

Those parents that use tablets to silence their kids or keep them occupied need to grow up. They decided to have kids, so they need to do the effort of making them grow up to be decent people.


Not only do those kids need individual attention, but a regular class is not conducive for learning for them.

Exactly. It fails all the kids.

They decided to have kids, so they need to do the effort of making them grow up to be decent people.

This is ow I see it. "be a parent".