What bothers me? Uhhh!

in Reflectionslast year


– You annoy me because you think you are a God so much!
– Well, I'll have to take a model to inspire me, right?

(Woody Allen).

I was reflecting a bit on the things in life that annoy me; there are really quite a few but I don't want to make a list so I will only mention the most important ones, or rather, the ones that make me more uncomfortable.

I hate feeling uncomfortable so I try to avoid it as much as possible.

I'm off to the bomb, the thing that surely bothers me the most is hypocrisy; I hate people who have two faces, those who say one thing in front of them and then as soon as you turn your back they start telling everything and the opposite of everything; hypocrisy is not only this but a thousand other things.
An example could be, I know: "I'm not a racist but...", when I'm not something follows a but, usually one is about to enter the fair of hypocrisy; I understand that there are shades in life but there are some things that have clear edges and are either white or black; if you think about it, the beauty of nuances is that they too have nuances and it is equally beautiful that sometimes they simply do not exist and everything is clear, crisp and sharp.

I'm not an extremist and I'm for flexibility, but in some things you necessarily have to be rigid!

Yes, in some things you have to be rigid and, in my opinion, this only makes you more flexible; do you want to know why?
Simple those who are rigid cannot be flexible, but those who have learned the use of moderation, adaptation and balance also know how to be rigid when necessary.

we were talking about the things that annoy me so, getting back to us, I hate people who waste food.
I'm a competition glutton I admit it but, what's on my plate ends, either by itself, or by force!
I come from the Scout experience and I was taught that you eat what's on your plate, I learned never to say "I don't like it" and never to leave anything because in the world there are those who eat what I want meeting in the plate would do somersaults.
Of course, food is also a pleasure but, in my view, there is no correlation between this and waste.

One of the things that really freaks me out is seeing people not fulfilling their potential, out of laziness, laxity and sloth.
I consider myself a committed person, a strong person who perseveres; I don't see a limit in weakness because it is something that can be trained and can be made into strength, I see the limit in those who give up, in those who have decided not to progress and, mind you, for what my character is, it doesn't exist any valid reason not to put all of yourself into it and achieve your goals.
I have been a swimming instructor for children and teenagers with various disabilities; I've seen kids with Down's syndrome leave a tub to young braggarts who considered themselves agonists and champions of this shit; I have seen boys who without the use of their legs can swim on their arms faster than you and I could ever hope to; my experience in Special Olympics has taught me things that are summed up in simple and direct sentences: "Make it happen" and then our motto that everyone should be inspired by: "May I win but if I don't succeed I can try with all my strength".
Defeat is contemplated and when it comes it must be accepted, but only if we have done everything necessary, everything possible and we have tried the impossible... then we can accept that we have lost but we did it with pride and dignity and sometimes worth more than a few victories.

You see the list of things that annoy me gets longer and brings with it other reflections; another thing that more than annoy me I really hate is selfishness.
I don't want to repeat myself I grew up following certain models and having certain experiences, for me generosity and altruism are fundamental values and I also look for them in the people around me because you know, in certain things similar seeks similar.
I don't want people to be generous or altruistic with me, but that they are as a lifestyle which is also mine.
For heaven's sake, I know that not everyone can be, in fact I don't have to be everyone's friend, I'm satisfied with a few, however good ones and, when I say good, I mean inside out and all around.

Yes, just like the Polos, the candies with the hole eh eh!


You can be as rich and beautiful as you want, but if you're rotten inside it eventually comes out; the beauty of mind and the good you have inside in the same way are revealed in a disruptive way and no one can help but notice them when they exist.

Well I guess I've gone on long enough, so I'll stop for now even if I'll definitely take up this discussion again... yes, because the things that annoy me aren't finished.

Thank you for reaching the end of this long post of mine; feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below.

Hug you!

🔘 🔘 🔘

A brave heart and a gentle tongue will take you far into the jungle...

English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.


I liked your thoughts, especially about determination. I don't think there's any way to win unless you play the game. It sounds simple but the trick is to give up. How? I don't know, but enjoying every step is one Way.

Thank you, I am very pleased to know that you appreciated.
If you don't play you don't lose but you will never win, I always prefer to play eh eh!

It's important to enjoy the trip, in my opinion that's what matters, even more than the destination.

A hug!

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