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RE: AI Take The Wheel!

in Reflections3 months ago (edited)

I’m ambivalent about the idea of self-driving cars. Yeah, they sometimes kill people but human-driven cars do that all the time. I’d like to see studies comparing the two, maybe with a total miles driven metric.

In 50 years of driving, I’ve been involved in three crashes (yeah, one of the three was my fault). At least nobody was killed in any of them.

But it will likely be several years until we might be in the market for a new vehicle, so I’ve got time for the software to get better.


I totally agree with you. I haven't been in many major accidents myself. Only two of them required body work, one was a deer and the other I got rear ended. I think it's going to be hard to compare the two right now simply because the self driving segment is so low compared to the mass of other vehicles on the road.