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RE: Press the Any Key

in Reflectionslast year

I don't where I stand with this AI debate.
I think these new suites of products are "tools". They can be used to generate facts, structures, or design. But, they may not be right tools to produce opinions, rationales and qualitative analysis. I also think these tools should credit the articles and products they rely on to produce the content so that users know where that information is coming from. I found bing is doing that with their chat functionality.


I also think these tools should credit the articles and products they rely on to produce the content so that users know where that information is coming from.

Yet they don't - ever wondered why? It is because likely, a lot of the content they use is not overly great quality, and so generic it is useless for all.

I tried Chat GPT to see how they would handle research articles. The paragraph noted one article when I specifically asked on the chat function. I could not find that article when I searched manually. Not sure where that article was pulled from.

And, the paragraph that came had errors throughout. I am sure the machine learning can improve the quality over time as the more we use the product the cleverer it becomes.