The further I’ve pulled back from the “conspiracy” & “truth” domains, the more clear many of the cognitive biases in their cultural programming has been.
It’s a fascinating experience, stepping out of these countercultural ‘movements’ to observe where they too have been under the spells of their own propagandized narratives. Though perhaps not centrally-architected with any particular intent, similar to those of the ‘global elite’ and military-industrial-corporate complexes they’ve philosophically & morally rallied against, sure enough there are collective psychological dynamics at play in perhaps any sort of tribal gathering, online just as much as in real life, in which the inescapable effects of biases (and the whole rest of the spectrum of shadow frequency states) simply readjust themselves around a new or different set of beliefs, patterns and habits. {Sorry not sorry,* to all who think discovering there’s corruption in the world and propagating memes (laced with a doomer, black-pill pessimism) with the mission to “wake others up” is proof you’ve “awakened.”}
I’d written a while ago on the “everything is a satanic ritual bias,” not knowing there’d be more to come. But here we are, as another has popped to the surface awareness over the last couple weeks: the ”it’s a distraction” bias.
Case in point: Diddy.
If you happen to follow any accounts on social media pertaining to anything considered remotely in the realm of “conspiracy” or “truther” content, you’ve probably encountered some variation of the declaration: “while you’re distracted with Diddy…”And if you’ve observed these same communal gathering points for a while, you’ve surely seen the exact same thing multiple times - simply replacing “Diddy” with x, the end of statement with y.
And it always comes with an enticing, self-validating logic. Which serves a confirmation bias of meta-level beliefs that ’masses are always being distracted. Anything & everything in the news in just to direct your eyes over here… of this thing over there that we, the awakened ones, so obviously see as being the thing of real importance - and y’all sleepy sheep are too unevolved to understand the relevance of while you’re being manipulated by the bread & circus.
(Sarcasm speaks volumes sometimes, doesn’t it? Ha. There might be enough weaved into the above paragraph, that the rest of what follows isn’t even necessary.)
Of course, there is indeed manipulation of mass consciousness via the means of mainstream media. And of course, the agendas of the larger (possibly reptilian-run) global corporate complexes do utilize an arsenal of propaganda tools to divert attention towards & away certain things in accordance with specific agendas. That’s a given.
But it a huge leap and logical fallacy to take that to run with and arrogantly conclude that anytime a news story hits headlines, it’s always a distraction.
Nonetheless, people In the “conspiracy” and “truther” circles do it time & time again. Whether under the guise of “thinking for themselves,” unconsciously preprogrammed with the communal assumptions driving their “independent thinking” or simply seeing a meme appealing to the tribal (distorted) logic, saying”yes obviously,” and hitting like & send to get that dopamine hits coming from sharing it with another who’ll agree & validate the belief and/or provide the (illusionary/delusional) sense of fulling the mission of “waking up the sleepers. Complete with a sense of (fake) certainty that “this is how the world is” - and a comforting stroke to the ego with the sense of “knowing” that they’re somehow ‘special’/superior in the “awakened” state, while the dumbed-down masses are ‘controlled’ with the so-obvious “distractions.”
As though, of course, their tribal logic is automatically superior in knowing what is & isn’t important to/for every other of the 8 billion people on the planet.
As though there aren’t literally countless things going on in the world at at any time, and it might be fully possible that what news rises to headlines may not all be part of some grand conspiracy to ceaseless distract from other news the ‘awakened tribe’ is so enlightened to recognize as more important, but simply a natural flow of information from & to sources that actually does matter - in ways the tribal cognitive biases have blinded “the awakened” to.
As though everything must be controlled by a ruling elite at high levels, especially the focus of ‘sleepy sheepy’ via media distractions pertaining to celebrity gossip; that sometimes life isn’t just fucking random & chaotic and/or works in different ways than the cultural conceptions & belief systems (“truther” & “conspiracy theory” cultures included) that people plug into to provide some sense of certainty & security in knowing, no matter how far from Truth they might actually be, in spite of all seemingly-valid logic justifying them.
But lest we get too bogged down in the intellectual masterbation of these meta-level concepts - as fun as it may be - let’s break it down a bit in context of the tangible example of the Diddy thing…
So the full assertion that’s been going around: while everyone’s been “distracted” with Diddy, their was a UN ‘Pact For The Future’ signed into effect. Don’t understand the significance of this? ‘Well obviously, you must be a dumb sheep then… WAKE UP, yo’! 😹
Of course, those plugged into the ‘conspiracy/truther’ programs get it. Because that “getting it” relies upon an entire backstory of cult(ural) narratives pertaining to ‘how nefarious Agenda 2030 is,’ the totalitarian push for a globalist government utilizing bodies such as the UN, how all these agendas for complete control are being pushed for behind closed doors by “the elite,” etc, etc. And of course, it’s all “evil.” No room for nuance. Forget ‘yin & yang’ and the complexities of human life on planet earth… there’s the “bad guys,” and anything/everything they touch is part of a diabolical plot to keep you & I powerless. Countries coming together in alliance to agree upon serious global challenges and how to work together to solve them…? 100% a front. Obviously.
And again, don’t get me wrong here - yes, there are half-truths in/to some of that. But reality isn’t quite as simple, extreme, and black-and-white such that it’s the entire truth.
Is the “UN Pact For The Future” a big deal? Maybe. Though it surely becomes a bigger deal *if looking through the lens of a cult(ural) belief system programmed to be constantly hypervigilent in assessing such news as validation for confirmation bias framing it as a threat.
Meanwhile, is the whole Diddy thing “of lesser importance? Is an answer to that question even possible without it coming via a completely subjective lens?
Could the UN Pact be an instrument used to usher in increased globalist control? Certainly. Does that necessarily mean it will be? No. Common ‘conspiracy’-think may often insist the imagined worst-case scenarios are inevitable, people’s sense of personal disempowerment projected outwards to bestow “elites” with a perceived infallibility, as though every one of their nefarious plans is guaranteed to become reality (‘unless people wake up & rebel,’ etc, etc), drawing upon select historical data to support confirmation bias of such beliefs… but that does not mean the horrible prison-planet outcomes instantly ushered to mind in perfect Pavlovian response upon seeing memes spinning news through cult(ural) belief-filters are destined to unfold as expected.) Especially if/when considering the dynamics & processes of actual “awakening” & “ascension” that is occuring at this time as consciousness is expanding and old-world paradigms & systems are breaking down under the pressure of evolutionary change. (Example: while there are ‘preppers’ vehemently opposed to any & all evolutionary & technical development condemning CBDCs and the digitization of money & ID as though it’s all the devil’s work, numerous people on this platform foresaw & rode the wave of opportunity it’s brought with blockchain & cryptocurrency to financial freedom and a happy, healthy life resembling absolutely nothing like the doom-and-gloom visions conspiracy-prophets push).
Meanwhile, there are also some especially interesting paradoxes/contradictions at play here…
The ‘conspiracy/truther’ cult(ural) paradigm has placed immense emphasis on the disclosure of corruption in high-level industry, especially entertainment - and especially pertaining to matters involving sexual trafficking, pedophilia, and blackmail/extortion as a means of controlling players in the ‘elite global agendas.’ You can almost feel the hard-on some “truthers” have when the topics come up and it’s proposed that there are more like Jeffrey Epstein to fall. Whether by design and intentionally propagandized or merely of organic development, the ‘conspiracy/truther’ cult(ures) have become conditioned to cheerlead such disclosure, eagerly anticipate more, and encourage the vilification of those whose shadows are coming to public light. Yet… here we are with DIDDY in the spotlight - one of the biggest figures there could be to endure such a fall from grace - and motherfuckers are too stubbornly fixed in the “distraction” narrative to even recognize the significance and/or celebrate. For real. 😹
Whether you’re familiar with Diddy and his role in the music industry in the decades or not, the disclosure occuring of which he is at the center of IS kind of a big deal. It’s not just about him, but the fall of Hollywood, celebrity (worship) culture, and the immense degree of corruption at the highest levels of the entertainment industry which has been a key facet of mainstream media propaganda & cultural manipulation. All this, which ‘conspiracy theorists’ and ‘truthers’ have been salivating over the prospect of happening on a mass scale. But now that it’s actually happening, “it’s a distraction”…?? C’mon. 🤦♂️
Have the survival fears which conspiracy bias fuel completely overridden any & all capacity for objective, rational thought in these situations? People so robotically-triggered into these countercultural programs fixing focus on potential future threats that satisfaction with what’d once have been seen as a “victory” is overlooked and cast into the category of “distraction,” while ego attempts maintaining what fleeting sense of control it can through the assertion of such statements arrogantly made with fake certainty as though its “knowledge” & “awareness” are superior and required to be accepted as Truth by every single other human if we’re to escape the fates of “the elite’s” agendas for total control…?
The “black pill” is no joke.
It’s been sorta alarming realizing how many within the ‘conspiracy/truther’ communities/cult(ures) are still blind to their/its own biases & fear. How frequent its been for them to point at “sheep” and judge them for fears instilled by propagandized mainstream media narratives… while completely bypassing the continued presence of logically-justified fears propagated in these ‘conspiracy/truther’ worldviews and “their own” outlooks. How common it is to people to simply swing from the one extreme of following conventional & “mainstream” thought-programming to that of the other end, distrusting of everything but a new/different set of thought-programming, dismissive of the subtlety, nuance and complexity of all existing between the extremities of polarities of mainstream cult(ural) compliance and counter-cult(ural) rebelliousness. But of course, “it is what it is.” The human drama playing itself out via the shadow frequency states.
And this whole critique isn’t to judge or condemn it or anyone - merely to shine light on the dynamic, planting a tiny beacon along the path - which those swings from extremes and mistaking one step in the larger process as awakening itself are part of. Nor is this commentary intended to focus specifically on the Diddy situation and the UN Pact, but to use it as a case-in-point - drawing attention to the broader set of cult(ural) dynamics that play out through cognitive biases such as the “it’s a distraction” one.
Is it possible the UN Pact For The Future is an instrument put forth for diabolical purposes? Maybe. Is it also possible that not every single person in the UN is a reptilian power-hungry totalitarian, that there are actually good-hearted, well-intended people who are working there in the best interests of humanity - that in the game of ‘white hats versus black hats,’ IF “white hats are in control,” this pact might not be an entirely nefarious plot as everyone preprogrammed with conspiracy bias jumps to assume upon its first mention?Maybe.
Is it possible the entire mass media complex is having its strings pulled by a roundtable of Illuminati heads behind closed doors, and they’ve issued the command for all focus to go on Diddy while the UN Pact was signed with little attention? Maybe. Is it far more likely that such a major scandal and domino of Hollywood’s falling is something newsworthy that people will pay more attention to for a variety of valid reasons, whereas a far fewer number would actually care about the UN Pact - the focus being a natural reflection of the average person’s interests & attention (which is neither (good/bad, better/worse’)? Probably. (And of all the people who quickly shared the “Diddy’s a distraction” memes while nodding in automatic agreement, how many actually read the UN Pact For The Future itself while giving lip-service to how much “more important” it is?? Less than 1% for sure. Lol.)
And who exactly is in any all-knowing position to objectively declare which piece of news is & isn’t higher priority - and that the ‘lesser’ must automatically be “a distraction?” (Trick question.)
Maybe the downfall of a cultural icon and head of industry, which marks the end of an era, who was responsible for bringing music to the world that people made epic memories dancing & loving to is more important to alot more people than some UN 42-page document nobody cares to read.
Maybe an insistence that the world of politics is “more important” than the domain of art & entertainment that’s brought inspiration to millions is detached from the reality in which most people live - a reality that is not just some “blue pill matrix” programmed by corporate elites, but that of heart, spirit, and soul in which many are more deeply touched & moved passion-driven creativity & entrepreneurship as Diddy was an icon of than governmental bureacracies and conspiratorial interpretations of them.
(And maybe it ends up boiling down to pure, arrogant gaslighting to assert anyone “is distracted” while it is they who makes the sovereign choice of what pieces of news to focus on for their own reasons. Likewise, to extract the fundamental concept/dynamic at root of the “it’s a distraction bias,” so too it might be said the same of any conspiracy bias or dogmatic tribal belief with which ego asserts its declarations as “the truth,” overriding others’ free choice to interpret & define reality for themselves according to their unique perspectives, experiences, and beliefs.)
Also to be raised here, is the question:
To what degree is engagement in such “it’s a distraction” narratives itself a distraction from doing one’s own inner & shadow work?
It’s easy to point at Diddy, label him the bad guy, and feel morally superior. (Or Epstein, Bill Gates, whatever CEO, president, billionaire, etc.) And it’s just as easy to hop on the cult(ural) train of sharing “it’s a distraction” memes and getting all emotionally fired up over imagined future threats tribal narrative justifies “fighting” with (distorted) logic… avoiding facing the fears originating & existing inside which all the outer projections merely become a reflection of/for.
The real “deep dives” on the path of actual awakening/ascension aren’t down the rabbit holes of information about worldly corruption. Ultimately, they’re the ones inwards into our own psychology, shadows, fears, wounds, and depths of soul to discover what it is we’ve allowed to distract ourselves from ourindividual path and why.
And inevitably, if we’re actually “doing the work,” we must come to face-to-face with the question: how much do we truly trust & have faith in LIFE, the Divine, “God,” “universe,” etc?
Have we really become so indoctrinated into fear-rooted beliefs that some men somewhere hold the entire control over humanity that we’re willing to spend our lives trying to convince others of the same under the guise of “waking people up?” Have we seriously delegated so much authority to corrupt politicians & billionaires in shadows that we’re content giving our limited time & energy to “fighting them” from the couch/toilet on smartphones by propagating memes reinforcing the idea they’re master architects of our society powerfully orchestrating media campaigns to direct our attention according to their agendas which we are ever-so-certain we “know…” rather than taking control of our own attention and redirecting focus into the creation of something more passionate, inspiring, and uplifting that’d leave a worthwhile legacy when our time here is up?
At what point do we look in the mirror and confess we don’t know what we don’t know, that we and our tribal/cult(ural) logic could be wrong, and that maybe there are forces of life & evolution at play that might be stronger than some old, rich, pedophile sociopaths?
As time ticks away faster & faster, at what point must we pause and question: wtf are we here for to really accomplish in this life? How much more of our limited time on this planet do we really want to spend in fear & resistance, sharing memes promoting the concept it’s external forces dictating our attention rather than creating something original & unique and/or truly serves others in coming back into more of themselves (rather than just some different tribal/cult(ural) programs siponing time & energy into disempowering narratives still in the shadow frequencies)?
Yeah, there are forces of “darkness” at play in this world. But are they not granted access to play within ourselves the moment of concluding the forces of light are just as equally if not more powerful and shall prevail over time? If we are truly committed to “awakening,” are not any/all ideas undermining such faith & trust in the Divine & power of the light distractions - including entirely subjective conspiracy/truther narratives laden with an energetically-dictatorial imposition of values as per assertions like “this is a distraction from that?”
All of this, which must inevitably lead back to a crucially-important question each individual can only answer for him/herself:
What really is worthy of our mental & emotional energy?
Why are we letting anyone attempt to dictate what is & isn’t worth ours, granting tribal & cult(ural) belief systems authority each time we nod in agreement to and hit share on such memes?
And why even try dictate what is & isn’t worth anyone else’s? (Especially when hypocritically stating such things as ‘UN Pact is more important than Diddy, while not even reading the fucking thing yourself; or whatever other variables of the news stories may be and acting as though devoting 2 seconds to reading and sharing a meme validating tribal cognitive biases is some embodiment of righteous “awareness”.)
If you’ve made it reading this far, congrats. It’s unlikely anyone too fixed in thought to embrace the totality of these perspectives would’ve made it to the end. You’re passing the intelligence tests of evolution. 🥂
Should you have resonated, I leave you with an introduction invitation to dive deeper into these types of outlooks on the different levels of awakening, fallibilities of “conspiracy/truther” programming common along the path, etc. as they are far more brilliantly addressed & articulated than I have here via the voice of Bernhard Guenther.
This homeboy and his wife, Laura Matsue, have been a couple of the most grounded, clear, conscious sources of insight on social media into this whole realm over the last few years. Every piece of content they put out is a breath of fresh air, potent with its humble, timely, relevant wisdom. Consistently top-tier stuff that always raises the frequency of the IG & YT feeds. HIGHLY recommended to follow & subscribe.
This recent one came in during the period of this writing and felt particularly relevant in context, speaking to deeper aspects of the role/nature of fear I’d grazed on - as well as serving as a great intro to his core, refined message, style, and vibe.
May this investment of time plant some small seed(s) that shall grow and serve you, others, and the whole well in due time… 🙏✨
I try not to dive into conspiracy theories too much. I think what red flags me the most is a lot of them tend to run down party lines and that should be very telling for many people. I haven't heard this one about the UN thing, but there are a lot of people who are claiming these latest hurricanes are government controlled weather events. I am a bit beside myself with all of it.
Have you seen people sharing long lists of patents as if it proves this was engineered, all without any explanation of how the patents apply to the claimed observations or any evidence they were used for anything ever?
I mean cloud seeding is a thing and there has been speculation about government controlled weather for decades, but it all just screams tin foil hat to me. Add to that the fact that it follows political sides and I have a hard time taking it seriously.
That is a pretty accurate assessment.
When conspiracy theory resonates and targets a very specific audience the reason for that is usually because it's completely bullshit and no one outside that audience can take it seriously because it lacks any and all of the necessary evidence.
If we look back at conspiracies that were proven to be true there was never an intended audience in mind when it was still being initially debated.
I'm starting to realize that more and more and it really just resonated with me last night as I was making that comment.
the weather modification is another good example...
most definitely, there are weather modifications technologies and projects that do exist... though it's kinda crazy when people all of a sudden jump to assume every 'natural disaster' is a product of such, not bothering to ask any questions at all or apply any critical thinking whatsoever, just automatically assuming.
similar to the wildfires in Jasper few months ago, with all the 'conspiracy theorists' insisting it was another DEW attack like Maui without bothering to look at anything beyond the biased headlines of the tribal memes. yeah, Maui was sketch AF and unlikely an act of war, with a ton of facts to actually lend support to the 'theory'... but I grew up going to Jasper regularly so got some different perspective - and it was well-known for a while something like this was gonna happen because like half the trees there were dead from a beetle infestation and Parks Canada didn't do shit about it despite continual advice to. but off went the 'truther' community with their insistent declarations it was just the same as Maui based a headline.
i wouldn't be surprised if the Florida hurricanes - or any disasters - were a byproduct of weather modification at this point... but to go ahead and just arrogantly assert it/they are without applying critical thinking to both possibilities... 🫤
I think if the narrative wasn't so closely tied to political agendas then it might be easier to consider.
I have encountered people who insist every big story is a distraction to cover up what's really going on. Some of them are also buried in other conspiracy theories, whether it's illuminati secret societies ruling the world, flat earth, planet X/Nibiru, whatever. And yes, their own pet theories distract them as much as they claim the masses are being deceived.
I love this one.
Especially because the virus one is an ad for pasta or some shit.
Is that fireworks? Nobody knows!
The entire concept of predictive programming is dubious...
the strategy is to just go back in time after the fact and find any coincidence possible.
There's a 1000% chance you're going to find something.
The Texas Sharpshooter fallacy strikes again, this time with extra confirmation bias!
Everyone believes that they're the main character and then work backwards to justify it.
It's all mental illness in the end.
You either trust the people in charge and get mental illness...
or you realize you can't trust the people in charge and get mental illness.
The cure to all of this is building strong communities where people can actually trust each other.
No easy task when the country you're living in brainwashes everyone into thinking individualism is the key to happiness... while the elite constantly play games to divide and conquer the population.