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RE: What's it in aid of?

in Reflections10 days ago

I feel like people pocketing a little here and there is why these sheer bloody minded idiocies persist despite there being an infinite amount of infinitely better ways to resolve things most of which boil down to

Could both of these wars be solved with a sit down and a discussion?

Absolutely could be sorted out with a discussion but might makes right and also people want exactly what they want when they want how they want and nothing else (but only for the people winning, if they were losing suddenly they'd be crying foul probably).

People who think like that get nothing from me and deserve exactly nothing from anyone else either.


It's all a game I think...moving money and all...not a lot ends up getting to where it'll do the good I think...and I think most of it (all of it) should stay in Australia to assist with the problems here.

but might makes right and also people want exactly what they want when they want how they want and nothing else

Entitlement on a grand scale.