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RE: Child Electric

in Reflections6 months ago

I don't think so, I've seen just as many selfish, self-absorbed parents who weren't raised on screens as I have the newer set of parents who were. And once upon a time books and newspapers were blamed for killing conversations because people would rather sit and read than engage.

coincidentally "reading too much" was what was blamed for my terrible eyesight, we didn't get the computer til I was near teens

You were talking at some stage about how childhood can be used for practising skills that you need in adult life, self regulation is one of them. And as I said in the other comment, it's very hard to practise anything if you never get to encounter a situation where it would be needed or if everything is relentlessly done for you :D Like debt management I think it's one of those things that needs to be practised in a safe environment where the consequences while possibly painful at the time aren't going to be too damaging in the long term.

As for what happens with self-regulation, well I gave the example with my kids unless you were asking something else and I completely misinterpreted x_x It wasn't smooth sailing in the slightest but they figured it out. The same holds for most of the older two's friends bar a a few (some are special needs, some I think just don't want to get it); these "kids" are all late teens/early 20s from diverse backgrounds (some homeschooled, most schooled, differing levels of parental involvement and socioeconomics etc).

Also conspiracy theory self control is the absolute worst for a cancerous economy run by worthless insecure control freaks which is why everyone should just have a good time and treat themselves because they deserve it.