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RE: On the Grow

in Reflections2 months ago

The thing with visualisation is even when good at it two people may not visualise the same thing so having an existing one is not the worst idea.

You know I’m going to say Blender 😆 but that might also be a bit heavy for what you want to do. Though there’s probably a few of us on here that could help with that if you needed (you know where to find me).

Still waiting for the right amount and the right time? 🙃

Can also sympathise with you on the swamp, we basically live on what was one swamp land and everything is clay. Makes digging holes for fruit trees among other things “fun and interesting” 🤣 (100% sarcasm)


You know I’m going to say Blender 😆 but that might also be a bit heavy for what you want to do. Though there’s probably a few of us on here that could help with that if you needed (you know where to find me).

A bit heavy I am pretty sure - though it might be fun to learn a program. It has been ages since I have even tried.

Still waiting for the right amount and the right time? 🙃

"one day" :D

What kinds of fruit trees do you have?

Avocado, mulberry, peach, nectarine (can't tell those two apart x_x), orange, lime (I think it's still alive? x_x), lemon, pear, mango.

And this other thing which I can't remember the name of but apparently it's unkillable (except by dogs that dig out the base because it's planted in bone meal that smells yummy) and most of it is edible.

That's what I remember off the top of my head XD