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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago (edited)

I believe everyone is lucky if we look at a certain perspective. I feel we are all lucky to be able to be born into this world called Earth and make our impact on it hopefully in a positive way. Even those that are born with disabilities find ways to live with it and they are amazing, inspiring people. I think these people probably feel they are unlucky at a certain stage but once they get out and find their purpose then they feel they are lucky to be here. I'm not one of them but at least this is what I can see / feel from observing them from shows like America's got talent etc.

In terms of getting the things we want in life or reaching our goals, I feel this is more towards our efforts and determination. Maybe sometimes people feel that they got lucky in this aspect but I don't think so. If we are good to others and surround ourselves with the right people, it's actually not luck but our own effort and choices that we made by setting ourselves up for success.

One could argue winning the lottery is lucky which I could understand why they see it that way but you can't win the lottery without buying a ticket right. There was some effort made to go and buy the ticket with hard earned money.

As for the bad things, I guess some people could feel it's bad luck. For me, I think it's just a part of life, sometimes we get thrown some curveballs. These bad situations are meant to shape us to be better and I don't think life would be too fun if it was just super easy and straightforward. I think the endless possibilities and uncertainty of certain parts of the future is what makes life interesting. I hope I made sense haha. Have a good day~


I started reading your comment and then...oh cool, I got to the second paragraph and was pleased to see you say that you are one who applies effort towards the things you want to achieve. I think that's the best way as luck is a fickle bitch.

Bad things just happen sometimes, good ones too, and people like to label them as luck, fate or chance...maybe it's true for some things but a lot of that labelling is avoidance, lack of responsibility and ownership, certainly in the case of those who have applied no effort yet still expected a positive result

haha sorry did I disappoint you in the beginning. The first paragraph was more like we should appreciate that we were born into this world. It's not something that we could control so I think it's luck that the sperm that hit the egg was us and not a different sperm? haha I don't know what I'm saying.

Yes exactly. bad/good things happen. We can't just say it's bad luck or good luck and no offense to religion but not even it's gods plan etc. All that I feel is like you said not taking ownership but shifting to a labal/excuse for the things that happen to us.

We all should certainly appreciate the life we have, be grateful for it and respect what we have of it, an indeterminate amount of time. I agree with you there.

I know what you're saying, I just focused on the other aspect of your comment. It's blind luck I was born in Australia and not another part of the world that sucks major ass, a war zone or troubled, impoverished country. Luck, fate, chance, destiny? I had no bearing on it so whatever it was that made it come to pass was completely out of my control. So I agree with you.

Oh that's good. That means we are roughly on the same page.

Hope you've been having a great week and weekend soon!