Some Space

in Reflections28 days ago (edited)

Hello everyone, hope you are fine and your day was good.

Dealing with difficult people is not really hard as it is seen.
I remember that I got into a relationship with a difficult person, it looked as we would not work but we had good times together, even if we are together anymore, we had a beautiful thing together.
We parted ways because we were not biologically compatible.

My guy was everything difficult and he was perfectionist. He would always want me to do things the way he is mother usually does.
He tell me to go to farm everyday and always tell to do hard work.

He was always particular about his money, he would ask me about his balance and tell me to calculate it even when he would know that they were complete.

He used to have mood swings and always wanted to be alone.
He always tell me not to call him for weeks and sometimes I used to think that he was cheating but no he was not cheating on me.

So what I used to do was to give him space.
There are people that went through a lot before meeting you and they develop some attitudes and you will think that they like you or they don't need you around but trust me, that is the only way they can express themselves, so it is better to give them space and relate with them afar but not neglecting them.

Love People, Help People and Serve People.