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RE: The helping hand

in Reflections2 months ago

I'm among those who have received support from acquaintances, especially when I was in a tough spot. But when I have extra, I'm not hesitant to assist others I know are also in need. There's a common saying that giving is more fulfilling than receiving. True, it really feels good to receive blessings from others, especially when you're truly in need.But it's a different feeling when you're the one helping others. Just seeing the big smiles on their faces lets you know you did the right thing. Even if it's just in a simple way, but seeing how happy they are with what you've done brings unmatched joy. Even in simple ways, we can demonstrate that humanity still thrives. What use are material possessions if we can't take them to our graves, right? It's better to give or share with others who truly need it, especially when we have more than enough. As they say, those who ask for nothing in return are the ones most blessed by our Lord. So, thank you for your kind heart , may the Lord reward your goodness.


Value settles upon a person who helps others and that help can come in many different ways, financial, emotional support, physical, knowledge and wisdom and's nice to have those things at our disposal and to share with others as you mention.