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RE: Nothing Left to Give

in Reflections2 months ago

As Smallsteps gets older she will understand that it really isn't you that chooses to be less attentive, but rather the result of the stroke that makes you seem that way. If she realizes what's happening, perhaps she can help you to remain have an innate way of finding solutions to problems in a simplified way. Maybe she will even discover a way to help your brain reroute your damaged circuitry.

If she isn't old enough yet to understand what has happened to you and the resulting damage the stroke has caused, she will, in time, providing she is made aware.

It is really good that she performed her part without suffering much stage fright. Maybe you should enter her in Vibes community :D


She tries to be patient with me for sure. It is sad when a seven year old has to wait for the parent to catch up! :D

I get that she will understand rationally in time, I just wonder what effect it has on her to experience it as she does now.

Never heard of Vibes community!