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RE: Where are you Pointing?

in Reflections6 months ago

Last New Year I made a single resolution and that was to power up something, anything on the Hpud and Lpud days each month. I did it! I really stuck with it lol...I am so surprised and proud of myself. Not that I lose interest or go off in pursuit of some other shiny object, it's just that, well....I am just so damned scatterbrained LOL.

This year what will I give up, hmmm. I am going to sincerely try to lose my tendency to give into distraction, I need to be more focused in order to achieve any goal at all.


That is quite an effort! I missed many of them :D

What normally distracts you the most and, are you willing to give it up?

Hive! But I'm not giving it up lol. Sometimes I think maybe the fear of success pushes a person off of their focus, perhaps intentionally. To truly answer that question I need to think on it a bit.