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RE: Time and collecting experiences

in Reflectionslast year

I'd be happy if my age started with a 3!

Recently, I was talking to a friend who is considering leaving their partner and exploring other options. This seems like a bad thing, but is it? A lot of people avoid making these kinds of moves because of the mess it makes, but hey, life is messy and part of being human is to explore that life - the journey, not the destination, because at the end, the destination is the same for everyone. The journey however can be unique. Why care what others think, when the reason they think these things is because they want convenience, even if it means they never live.


I'd be happy if my age started with a 3!

Spoken like someone who's age hasn't started with a 3 for...just a little while. 😊

Life is messy, there's no doubt. People seem so intent upon pleasing others, looking good in other people's estimation, that they forget that their own impression of themselves and their lives, it what's ultimately important.

You summed it up well; a good effort for someone whose age starts with a...

Becca 🌷