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RE: Got Wet Wood

in Reflections29 days ago

He now has a pretty lucrative side business selling wood.

And that isn't a euphemism!

One of my clients has forest and enjoys making firewood, so does it too. We have got ours from a family member who has forest also. One of the reasons that the forests are so healthy here despite a big paper industry for a couple hundred years, is that the forests are owned by private people, so they tend to them, and then sell parts of them every generation to the paper companies. It has worked out well for all - if you own forest.

I am a bit surprised though, as while there is a bit of a hole there, it doesn't look half as bad I thought it would. Smallsteps was pretty excited to "plan" the garden with me after school today. She was acting like a foreman!


That is good. Sustainability is key. I see lots of tree clumps being cut down lately and it makes me a bit sad. I hope they are planting new for the future. Sadly we are losing a lot of trees due to invasive species too. That's awesome that your little one is excited about the gardenn