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RE: Press the Any Key

in Reflectionslast year

I have a hard time accepting any god let alone attributing that role to an artificial intelligence heh heh!

I'd more easily accept the AI one! :D

I agree with you on the "technical" posts too - there are lots of them that don't actually tell anything - just more spun content from the internet. What I do like are the "DIY" posts where people actually do things and, show parts of their life and personality through the content. But it is about the person, not the content in these cases.


I would more easily accept the AI ​​one! :D

Heh heh me too.

Yes, I agree that a lot has to do with people more than with the content, the fact remains that certain contents, as far as I'm concerned, are much more captivating and usable than anything else and are usually always written by the same authors.

I was also reflecting and if we think of the entire ecosystem there aren't even a lot of them, by eye every day I think that no more than 20% are really nice posts to read... all in all it's not even a bad percentage.