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RE: Blind luck or by design

in Reflections2 months ago

Gabriel García Márquez, an excellent Colombian writer once said: "Never think about luck, because luck is the pretext of the unsuccessful".

Regardless of what anyone thinks, I think that what one wants must be achieved through personal effort and talent.

Many times I have seen people who have put their prosperity in the hands of gambling or betting. I have nothing against it, but I have seen people who have earned a lot of money that way and thinking that they will become very rich, they have bet or gambled more and have lost everything and more.

In my personal case, I have never been a person of many resources or opulent, but, the little I have has been the result of much study, permanent work. And no one can take that away from me.
Thank you for sharing. Happy journey. Cheers and greetings.


It sounds like you totally understand and also that you have a good work ethic and the ownership to engage in it to achieve your desired outcomes. Well done.

As for gambling, betting on stuff, it's a fools game.