How We Move Through Life

in Reflections11 months ago

Life just keeps on going, even with everything that is happening right now in the world. There are times, when time really should stop, when the suffering is so great. But it never happens and day we rise again. The days, just keep on turning and even though everything still feels heavy, it is movement that will get us through it all.

I feel like, I need to keep saying it as well. How we need to bring more movement into our days. Our bodies are made to move.


I can really testify about that. Two weeks back, I was struggling. Spending way too much time in my head. Certain circumstances happened, that resulted in me focusing on things that hadn't even happened yet, and within that time, I began to experience despair. I think we have all been there.

But then, olive season began and as I forced myself to get up and begin my first day of olive harvesting, I also, finally began to get some relief from my despair. Because I started to move myself out of it. Using every part of my body, helped me to bring the attention down from my head and into the rest of my being. Then out into my surroundings, where I was surrounded by trees, my feet on the ground and the blue sky above me. A moment of gratitude, gratitude for everything.
Remembering where I am and what I have achieved.


Then, I began the dance of the harvest and I felt so much drop away.

Yesterday, I was harvesting again, this time it was from some beautiful old trees, whilst working alongside some beautiful people as well. It was a long day, but very productive. I just love, being up in trees. It's one of my favourite places to be. It's also, where I've always felt safe.


Climbing, is a wonderful way in which to fully step into your body. Becoming fully conscious, of every single move you make, because one false one, could see you fall.

Climbing, jumping, stretching. It's a wonderful workout, working everything out of your body. Connecting me, more fully to the here and now. To the task at hand, one that I thoroughly enjoy.

Then today, I done some cleaning work. Keeping myself moving, working, active. It's so simple really. But once we get into our heads, we tend to complicate our lives, to complicate our emotions. Blowing things out of portion. Until it creeps into every part of our lives.


It's a choice we make, one that we sometimes don't even realise we've taken, until we're in the thick of it.

It's as simple, as getting out there. Moving, once again through life, moving with life. Remembering how our bodies actually work. How movement is perhaps one of our greatest medicines. So let's keep moving!




I know firsthand the dangers of getting too deep into my head. Letting it cloud my thoughts and miss out on the things that really matter.
That blue sky looks divine and I'm glad that you're finding ways to let all that pent up tension flow away.

You are right. You know life has a way of getting us down completely, it is good to always find a positive reason to keep moving.

I am glad you could swipe out the mode and get to work. I would love to see your dance steps on the harvest field.🤭

Yeah keeping g the body busy, keeps the mind busy too.
I'm way too busy dancing to be taking any photos lol xxx