Recently arcange mentioned me in his statistics and I was wondering how many whales, killer whales and dolphins are now on Hive. How many there were 5 years ago and how many there will be in 5 years, in 2028.
On January 24, 2023, there were 36 whales, 258 killer whales and 1,657 dolphins in the Hive. Their total HIVE POWER was 86.12% of the HIVE POWER.
I looked at the statistics for January 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 and 2018. Here are the number of dolphins, killer whales and whales by year:
Dolphins 1603, 1807, 2211, 1975 and 1373
Killer whales 234, 303, 371, 319 and 240
Whales 39, 33, 36, 37, and 36
We see that the number of killer whales and dolphins has practically not changed over 5 years. HIVE POWER decreased in whales, in 2018 they owned 65% of all HIVE POWER. Whales now account for 48% of the HIVE'S POWER.
I often read posts on Hive that Hive has a great future and millions of users. I want to tell you - if this happens, the number of whales and killer whales will not increase much. Splinterlands currently has about 150,000 active accounts, but this does not affect the number of killer whales and whales in Hive.
In 5 years we will have a maximum of 500 killer whales and 50 whales. I will also read tarazkp and he will be one of 50 whales and I will be one of 500 killer whales. I just don't know how much 1 HIVE will cost, maybe 10 cents, maybe 10 dollars.
I don't understand the changes from 2021 to 2022. How is the number of killer whales down by 70 unit and an additional decline of 200 Dolphins in 2022, with only a 3 unit increase in whales? Does that mean 267 accounts dropped out of Dolphin & Killer Whales to become less than dolphins? Do you know how the HP in whales changed just from 2021 to 2022? Did whales have gain HP percentage in the last year or lose it?
In 2021, there was a good increase in prices for HIVE. It is likely that some killer whales and dolphins simply sold their stacks.
Over the year, whales have decreased the total share in HIVE POWER, from 49.69% to 48.75%
Thanks. So about 9% of the accounts at the top 3 levels cashed out? I'm not sure if that is good, bad or significant, but I am glad that you shared this information. I wonder if Hive spikes above $1 if we will see a similar reduction in top accounts.
HIVE will easily rise above $1. On exchanges, trading volumes are very large in a bull market.
Something happaned the last year ey?? A large number of drops, I wonder why
Everything is fine, some leave, others come. And those who become killer whales will be dollar millionaires in the future)
I'll take the $10 HIVE pls!! 😜🤙
I just made dolphin so I guess that makes me a change..
orca is looking like a nice new goal.. :)
Nice analysis! Good boy!
Thank you Very interesting information.
How much HP does it take to be a dolphin?
Thanks! Still some way to go for me!