The Perception of Time: Reflections on Time Travel and Historical Change

in Reflections29 days ago

They say time is curious; indeed, it's, but it's not just that. Through the years, we've come to see that time is one of the most constant things, but the way we see it has individual differs from person to person, and these opinions are subjective. But one thing I've come to realize is that the way we perceive time usually goes a long way in determining our lives progress and turnout, and today I'd love to share my take on many things that revolve around time, time travel, and what I'd change in the past if I had the power to do so.


One thing I've personally come to know about time is that it's based on the perceptions of each individual, and like I said earlier, it varies based on the personal experience of the individual. In some situations, people tend to perceive time as a passing moment that's not just enough for them to do all they'd love to do, and for others, it seems endless and continuous. But one thing that defines such perception is our experience and current situation.

For me personally, I usually view time as a fleeting moment that must be cherished, and that's because I don't know what the next few seconds hold in store for me. Although that doesn't push me to do things in an extreme way, in my little way, I enjoy the moment, creating lasting memories and leaving a positive impact on the lives of those that cross my path.

It's quite funny how I woke up this morning feeling sad about my decision to snub someone who has been trying to reach out to me for some days, and waking up, I'm like, What would I say if such a person were to die in the next minute? And then, while still on my bed as early as 5:15am, I made a call to the person, enquiring about their wellness and apologizing for not being there for them in the past.

And in the end, we're cool, and I feel at peace with myself. I'm the kind of person who doesn't see a big deal in death and knows it can come at anytime, so when I realised I'm detailing from my concept of leaving a lasting positive impression on those around me, I called myself to order and did the needful immediately, despite the fact that it was too early and the person I was calling might still be sleeping. I still tried, and we spoke, and both had peace, and that fosters deeper conversation that helps us open up to one another, as we relished the moment.


But then, on the other hand, when we talk about time-traveling stories and movies, I'm a big fan of them, and through the years I've watched and read books on the subject matter, such as Back to the Future, Hero Nakamora, The Time Machine, and several others, to mention but a few. These are interesting movies and books that've taken us into the depth and concept of time-bending and traveling and the numerous adventures, experiences, and knowledge to be acquired from such exploration.

And as I watch, I can't help but wonder if I can go into the future or the past. It's always a fascinating thought I have, and I can remember several occasions when I see some people like my grandparents, intelligent men, and the like. I can't help but wonder what the world was like in their days of their youth and how people were able to navigate life without the technological devices we've got now, that's relieving us from many of the labor and tasks we did by ourselves in the primitive age.

And now that we're aware of the concept of time travel and the like, in those movies I watch, they're some where some things are altered when the time travels to the past or future, and that usually changes history in the movie whenever they return to their current time, and these made me wonder and envision many times I'd love to change, and one of such is regarding my country.


You see, through the years, I've been not really happy about the situation of things in my country and really wish I could do something to alter some of the things that have happened in the past. Take, for instance, the high level of insecurity, insurgency, and kidnapping that's going overboard, and I can remember that in 2017, I was in a northern state and paid a visit to a particular school to create awareness and as well enlighten the students about some life lessons, and after just four days of my visit to the school, something terrible happened.

The students were adopted by the population terrorists know has Boko Haram, and these led to the deaths of many of them, and those who don't lose their lives have their future altered because most weren't released till date. As I reflect on my life, I can't help but wonder what would have been had I had the capability to take those students out of that place or prevent such disasters from befalling them. Unfortunately, the deed has been done, and there's nothing I can do about it.

But was I writing on these Inleo prompts about the concept of time and what I'd alter if I had the power to time travel and change something in the past? I can't help but wish I could go back in time to that very day I went there and look for a way to get those students out of the school premises before those evil men who crushed the hope in insisting on them within a matter of days. I know these are both impossible, but I can't help but face the possibility as I explore the concept of time travel.

That's all my take on these. I hope you enjoyed the read!

This is my entry for the day 23 of the #mayinleo prompt of the #inLeo initiative, if you'd love to participate, you can read days about it in the announcement post.

Thanks so much for your time. Have a wonderful day ahead and stay blessed.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The most rigth way to spend time for me have been the moments in wich i have been full of dreams and working to Make them a reality. So i agree with You, the perception of time depend on the emotions and feelings we feel.

Yea that's a great way to see and spend time.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.