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RE: Drab and boring...Not

in Reflections10 months ago

Getting attention and positive remarks has its perks. The rush does feel good though momentarily. It is so easy to be caught up in that maze of trying to please others and get through to the people who read. I discovered the dissatisfaction and sadness that such a mindset can bring.

When I write I portray myself and the things that interest me, most times my writings are addressed to me first and foremost in tackling the struggle I am going through at that moment and to remind myself of what is most important.
You said it all about the need to be your true self and those who can relate with you will find those things you put out there as interesting and relevant.💯

To me, writing is therapeutic and posting those things has built my confidence in loving and owning my personality in the long run. I've learned to be better at it as well and still learning. I try not to let the rewards I might get from doing these things get in the way and believe me it was a struggle, it still needs my conscious daily effort.


True happiness comes from within.

I try not to let the rewards I might get from doing these things get in the way

If people make the reward, the process of writing (or whatever it is they do) then there would be a lot more happy people out there. Relying on accolades from others, that may never come, is a fools errand. The same here on the Hive blockchain. Shift the reward away from the monetary and things open up and become much more enjoyable.

True! We get rewards (all other benefits) it's the monetary rewards we shouldn't let get in the way. You made more clear what I meant. Thank you G the guru.

What a happy world that will be...💕

Financial rewards matter, we all need money to survive (generally), although I see people here making it the focus rather than focusing on the writing, content creation, and they create shit content because of it. It's doing things the wrong way around in my opinion...but what do I know I guess, I'm just a knucklehead.

You make valid and great sense in all you've said. You are no knucklehead- far from it. I've learned a lot and have been reminded of a whole lot from your posts.

Lol...yeah, but I'm a knucklehead too, and proud of it.