The normalization of the wrong, a mirror of what we are?

in Reflections3 months ago

la normalización de lo incorrecto.jpg
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I have always been an observer of society, how we behave as social beings, and our reactions to change...this hobby has led me to analyze a lurid subject.

At the heart of our society beats a phenomenon as subtle as it is dangerous: the normalization of deviance. This phenomenon, deeply rooted in our collective psychology, affects us individually and socially, leading us to accept and live with risks and practices that we should reject under closer scrutiny.

The normalization of wrong is the process by which wrong slowly becomes acceptable, even expected, under the guise of repetition and the absence of immediate consequences.

But how have we allowed such deviations to become our "new normal"?

A social phenomenon

According to sociologist Diane Vaughan(The Challenger Launch Decision), this phenomenon takes root when deviant acts conform to and become embedded in an organization or group's cultural norms, to the point that those who practice them do not see them as wrong.

Thus, in a perverse twist of logic, what was once considered unacceptable becomes part of our daily routine, our normality.

But what does this imply for us as a society and as individuals?
First, the normalization of deviance undermines our standards of safety and morality. From education to economic policy, we have seen questionable practices become commonplace.

This phenomenon affects public spheres and permeates our personal lives, where we repeat harmful behaviors simply because they have become familiar. Therefore, we fall prey to the boiled frog syndrome, unable to perceive the gradual increase of toxicity in our relationships and environments until it is too late.

And herein lies the irony of our dilemma: although we are creatures of habit, we also possess the incredible capacity to reflect and change. Einstein warned us about the folly of expecting different results by always doing the same thing. Yet, we repeat past mistakes, convinced that things will be different this time.


We have normalized disdain for those who challenge the status quo, labeling them as disruptive or rebellious. Yet, there needs to be more precise divergence in the areas where the potential for growth and innovation lies.

Each of us plays a role in perpetuating or challenging this "new normal." The question we must ask ourselves is whether we are willing to passively accept what we have been given or whether we dare to question, to move the ground beneath our feet in search of firmer ground.

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We face a crossroads where the path we choose will define the legacy of our generation. We can follow the path laid out by conformity or pave a new one marked by reflection, responsibility, and change. The choice is ours, and the time to decide is now.


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Totalmente de acuerdo con tu publicación, pareciera que el mal ahora se está aceptando en nuestra sociedad, conforme pasa el tiempo se normalizan las actitudes, acciones perjudiciales a el prójimo

Precisamente por lo alarmante del problema, debemos desde nuestras individualidades, e incluso nuestros grupos, tratar de cuidarnos de esta actitud. Gracias por el comentario