in DCAM3 years ago

The Portal_Final.jpg

Cuando aprendes a manejar tus emociones ya no dependes mas de la primera persona que nos da un poquito de su atención, con el pasar del tiempo aprendes a no desahogarte con cualquiera, aun sabiendo que tu pecho se te rompe por hacerlo, debes entender que la gente hoy en día vale demasiado poco, resulta que un día son oídos y al otro se transforman en lenguas, esto es una verdad dura y pura. 

No todas las decisiones correctas que tomamos en nuestra vida nos traen paz y felicidad, en muchas ocasiones duelen mucho hasta el punto de sentirlas como un error, pero muy en el fondo sabemos que son la mejor opción aunque en esos instantes se sientan como un real fracaso.

Agradecido enormemente con @nessycanta ya que a través de ella he conocido de todo esto.      

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Hey welcome to hive! Consider making an Intro post so that we can all get to know you.

some things that I am always interested in knowing is..

How or when did you first get into crypto?

How or when did you first hear about hive?

Not to be intrusive, but.. How old are you? where are you from?

[Its commonly encouraged that folks make their posts a bit longer than the bare minimum, and to put a bit of flavor and love into their content because the idea is for others to be able to show their appreciation and engage with you, and upvote and assign value to it, so really want to do your best, and take a little time to make this stuff shine!

^^ Those questions I asked ^^

Are the things you should write in your #introduceyourself post. You should consider making one.

You should stop by "The Terminal" discord channel if you have any questions, or need any help getting started. https://discord.gg/Hkj527WKad

Stop by this blog I wrote and checkout this list of helpful links I put together for new folks like you! https://peakd.com/pob/@unorgmilitia/helpful-hive-links

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