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RE: You know what’s weird? Being normal!

in Beauty & Brains3 years ago (edited)

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I tried normal once. It was overrated.
-- King Jaffe Joffer (James Earl Jones), Coming to America

It's a shame that children are forced to abandon their unique qualities or or persepctives in order to conform in the world immediately around them. It was bad when we were kids in our youth (especially if you've beeen 39 for a long time), and it's even worse for today's kids.

It's not until we're adults some years out of school that we re-consider our views on weirdness. In many cases, the weirdness we were afraid of as young students became the weirdness we embrace.

If you're poor, you're weird. If you're rich, you're eccentric.
-- I have no idea who said this, but I heard it long ago.

We should be teaching today's youth that what makes them weird is what will make them succeed as adults in the future. Look at all the tech billionaires out there. Then look at how things looked upon as "weird"-- conventions for gaming and cosplay, for example-- when we were young(er) became buzzworthy and even cool.

If we want vanilla, that's what ice cream is for. We need more flavor and more spice, and today's youth need it now more than ever. Hell, we need today's youth to have more flavor and spice. For the adults among us, weird is normal.

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Great quotes! I love the James Earl Jones one especially.

We should be teaching today's youth that what makes them weird is what will make them succeed as adults in the future. Look at all the tech billionaires out there.

This! Yes! Every successful person out there used their weirdness to succeed.

I personally love flavor and spice. I love weird people, they're my kind of people. I stress to my own kids to embrace their weird and turn it up. My daughter's get it but my son is 13 and isn't quite there yet. He will be though.

A lot of adults hide their weird when they start businesses for fear of judgment and I get it but if they let go of it, they'd be happier and that will bring success.

Thank you so much for the lovely comment. I truly appreciate you ❤️

Thank you!!

When it comes to weird, is it supposed to be out of the ordinary, or is it supposed to be normal?

That didn't come out right, so let me put it this way:

  • If other points in time featured many weird people doing their weird things, and these people were in the majority of their societal units, they would actually be considered normal.

It's like truth-tellers being considered radical in a world of liars because these truth tellers told the truth.

Also, we can re-evaluate our views on weirdness by recalling what we remember about our favorite movies and television programs from long ago or even more recently. (well, we here wouldn't need to re-evaluate, but everyone else out there would.)

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If other points in time featured many weird people doing their weird things, and these people were in the majority of their societal units, they would actually be considered normal.

Hmmm very good question. And yes they would be considered normal because everyone is weird. But in our every day how many of us are truly being weird? I sleep with shirts worn by @ryzeonline and some would think that was weird but I like his smell. So I sleep with his clothes. But someone might take it to the next level and think what I do is normal. It's all subjective I think.

And you make a great point about movies and tv and even songs. Jay and I did a live on FB today and he made that point too. He said people love Nicki Minaj's voices in her music. It's weird and stands out because not many people are making funny noises in their songs. If we (and yes not us lol) look at what they like about their fave media, they would see it's the "weird" parts that stand out.

Thank you!!! great comment! ❤️❤️❤️