Beautiful sky full of Clouds

in Picture A Day3 years ago

Sky is the most beautiful thing in the world well I feel that and you can capture the sky everyday and to be honest when you look at the sky it's different everyday so you can take multiple pictures of it and you can capture the sky without even going anywhere else to capture something else you will have to go outside your home but for this you just need to get up the roof if you don't have just get outside your home and you can capture the sky and it always looks beautiful and remind you that have beautiful the nature can be

this is my Sky photography and I was lucky that I got to see some really beautiful clouds and I captured this it a little bit but not that much it's beautiful to me and I hope that you will like it too



Bastante luz purpura en tu fotografia las nubes son majestuosas

Muchas gracias, significa mucho y se siente muy bien cuando a alguien le gusta tu trabajo.

Tienes razon lo que pasa es que a veces, muchas de nuestras punlicaciones no son votadas y no es realmente porq sean malas. Tu foto es buena