PHOTO of the DAY - A small cosmos in purple radiance

in Picture A Day2 years ago

A small cosmos lived quietly in hibiscus flowers. The shining of the stars was like the curtsy of pages bowing to their king.

The flower, as a grand gesture of the king, gave the moon a little purple, so that it would shine even when the hibiscus fell into a sweet and deep sleep.

I saw in this story a calmness that I really miss at the moment, it is difficult to collect my thoughts and edit a photograph during an air raid, the sirens of which tore the air apart and the calmness seemed just a fantastic picture.


Photos taken with a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX300 camera.

Author @barski.




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There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

Hey @eii, here is a little bit of BEER from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

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Very amazing, thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much my friend! How are you doing in Splinterlands?

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They’re selling pre-sliced fruit at Whole Foods
Hey, that's false advertising!

Credit: reddit
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Wonderful 🤩😍

Thank you very much, my friend!