Buy a piece of the largest renewable energy virtual plant with

in Solar energylast month (edited)

Srcful is buiding the largest renewable energy virtual plant. There are two way you can participate :

  1. connect your renewable energy plant to Srcful through an energy gateway. You will be rewarded to produce renewable energy with SRC token.

  2. Buy an hexagone of territory
    Since yesterday, you can choose any territory on earth if it is still available, not yet purchased by another member of the community. The launching price for an hexagone is 15 €.
    You will help to finance Scrful virtual energy plant and you will be reward when people from your territory will connect a production plant to the Scrful project.
    You be rewarded both to produce energy or to store it when electricity prices are reaching negative prices.

More info on

To buy an hexagone, it is really easy :

Create an acount on
Chose your territory in the explorer
The purchase in Euro is made with Link app
You get your hexes in your portfolio and start earning when your territory is producing renewable energy.
You own your hexagone for an unlimited period of time or you will probably be able to sell it if you want in the future, at a higher price.

first scr map.JPG


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