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RE: Amazing Nature Contest - June 2020 - #02 - CLOSED

in Amazing Nature4 years ago

Hi there everyone!

First of all, thank you to all participants for making this the contest round with the most entries ever. Every the community and the contest gets bigger and bigger and seeing so many Nature-lovers from all over the world united is soo amazing. Welcome to all the new members of the family and thanks to all the old ones for doing such a great job in posting about Mother Natures incredible creations. You are all so awesome 😍 .. Besides, in this announcement I mentioned about 4 other communities, as well as the DNA project that may be all of interest to some of you, so please look them up if interested 👆

I am still very very busy these days, sorry for that. I would like to do some more posting and browsing through all your posts, but unfortunately I am not capable of it yet .. But, I did not forget the logo. I think that I will publish an announcement for the logo plans in the future where you all can discuss and participate if wished and wanted. Until then I will leave "Peppa" the turtle as the current logo ^^

This said, please enjoy the next week of the contest and the nature all around you, wherever you are 😁

Best wishes,

 4 years ago  

Thank you for these great pictures from out little @featheredfriends @farm-mom ^^