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RE: Sunrise at Linwood Warren: An Amazing Nature competition entry

in Amazing Nature4 years ago (edited)

These nebular creates a really cool and spooky enviroment ^^ But my favorite is the spiderweb .. I always found it so amazing how they could create such highly symetric structures out of nothing and creating the strings is an own little miracle by itself, hehe .. I am forwarding your post to OCD ^^


I'm glad you found it interesting. Agreed the spiders web is almost a miracle of nature, so delicate looking and yet so strong.

[Thank you so much for the forwarding to OCD, I have noticed you have nominated me a couple of times now, thank you for the support!]

 4 years ago  

You are very welcome ^^ You are doing some really great posts that really nicely fit to amazing nature and also the dna project .. I really like to support hiveans which put some great effort in their post and deserve it in this way ;) .- Glad to have you on-board @dannewton !