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RE: ¨Amazing Nature Contest¨ 2021 - # 02 Living together in balance and harmony

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

So beautiful and so cleaned up too 😍 .. It is alwys nice to see that communities really care about their enviroment .. Thx for sharing ^^

 3 years ago  

hello dear friend @adalger good afternoon
My city is a small one in the interior of Argentina, maybe that's why it's easier to keep it clean and take care of it.
people here care about taking care of nature, that makes the city look more beautiful
Thank you very much for this pleasant visit, I really appreciate your words
have a wonderful afternoon


 3 years ago  

Wow, that glad to hear.. I would wish far more cities caring so much ^^ .. From what I read so far here on the Hive people in Argentina are generally really concerned about their enviroment .. Must be a really great country for nature lovers, hehe ^^

 3 years ago  

The people who live here are descendants of two origins, one indigenous and the other Italian, two communities that have a strong inclination for the care of nature, it is what makes us care about nature.
I wish you a happy rest

 3 years ago  

hey there @jlufer ^^ .. did you consider to join us in DNA discord ? .. You are participating in s many nature activities and we think that you would made for a great addition to our member base ;)

 3 years ago  

good afternoon dear friend @adalger
It will be a real pleasure to join your channel, soon I will stop by to greet you.
have a happy start to the week