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RE: Amazing Nature Contest - January 2021 - #03

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

I love the idea to modify the sensible ecosystem of nature just as much as needed and to preserve it as best as possible ^^ It would be so nice if all people around the world, especially the reckless industrial people would try to give more attention to it .. It is actually quite easy to live in symbiosis with nature. All they need to do is just to care about their environment .. The real treasure that we humans should look after is not money, gaining a 100% efficiency and else, but a respectful treatment to each other and all living beings and finally just living a happy and joyful life .. It is so sad to see that all over the world young children went on the streets two years ago to protest and demonstrate for nature and their rescue, while the big whales up their just laugh at them, criticize them and just ignore them also they know it would be the right thing to listen to them ;(


I share your words and way of thinking! If we were truly intelligent, we would live in harmony with nature and derive all our potential from it.

Many still don't realize that the direction the world is going will be all the more difficult.

Let's try to think what will happen when nature has less to offer us. How will we get them? We will be able to reverse the direction we are going...

It seems to me that we are watching the movie of the Titanic and we are going straight to hit the big iceberg.

Thank you very much for your comments!

Big hug!