Because nature exists to be enjoyed, protected and preserved

in Amazing Nature3 years ago (edited)

White clouds, blue sky, green plants and other natural beauty make me comfortable and calm. Because of that feeling I started the trip and took lots of pictures of nature.
The first camera I owned and I worked hard to buy was the Sony Mirrorless A5000.
Let's discuss some photos of my collection below.

The first thing I like about this photo is the white clouds, the blue sky adds to the beauty of the yellow flowers side by side with the towering shady trees.

With a low angle, I shoot up and it looks more beautiful right? I feel comfortable with natural scenery like this. Cool air, calm atmosphere, can make the body healthy and refresh the mind and eyes.

Using our motorcycle to this place. This trip is quite dangerous for people who have never been through the uphill route up the hill. Fortunately, I was sitting comfortably as a passenger. From the top of this hill, you can see the beauty of the surrounding nature.

From the side of Ngieng Jioh Park, I can take pictures of the beach, gas company, green trees and houses of local people.
Amazing nature.
This is my first time visiting this place, and this park is next to another destination, namely the Japanese Cave in Lhokseumawe Aceh. But unfortunately I didn't photograph Japanese Cave on my camera because I was afraid. Lol, I only see the front and prefer to relax in the park.

Descending from the hill immediately enjoy the beautiful beach, see the fishing boats and relax for a moment drinking young coconut ice.

The weather was very hot but it didn't stop the steps to continue to capture the moment and explore other beautiful places.
Because nature exists to be enjoyed, protected and preserved.

The clear water, the wind that blows on this beach seems to want to hold back to stay here. Tiredness is replaced by an amazing view.

Thank you for reading, thank you for supporting. Best wishes and good health always.

Banner by @barbara-orenya


Let's go outside tomorrow and see how the rice field became a small lake. I'm sure you will enjoy it :)

Your photography is better now :)

Let's do it @anggreklestari thanks for your support :)

Hope today is not rainy 😬

Very nice shots and important message here, I like the title of your post, so true :) My pleasure to feature it in my latest upvote giveaway for more visibility. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much for your support. I hope I can be better than this and can learn photography from each of your blogs @phortun :)

We appreciate your work and your publication has been hand selected by the geography curation team on behalf of the Amazing Nature Community. Keep up the good work!

Thank you very much for your support I will try to do better. And hopefully through each of your blogs @hive-127788 :)

Bagus tuh pemandangan langit biru dengan garis putih awan, like your post,tks.

Iya bagus banget, hatur nuhun atas supportnya @hsidik

@alraarifin, sami-sami nuhun,

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@tipu curate ;)

Thank you so much @tipu :)

Thank you so much @phortun :)

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