Morning frost - [Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun]

in Amazing Nature3 years ago (edited)

What can you see without leaving your home door more than 10 meters away? Taking into account the fact that it is winter outside, there is a lot of snow and severe frost. I'll show you this now.



The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)

This quote is from @phortun's post [Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 52] ( and I gladly join this challenge.


The night was frosty, the temperature dropped by about 5 degrees. Therefore, the trees were covered with a layer of frost. In front of you is my yard in the early morning.




The harsh graphics of the branches softened by frost and acquired a fabulous look. This is how the Russian winter should be.


Unfortunately this side of the house is north and there is little morning light. So I added some color to this macro.


I hoped to continue the photo session later, but I didn't succeed, and soon the wind blew out and all the frost crystals flew around like leaves in the fall.

CameraSony A7М2
Post productionin LR

Manual processing in Lightroom

Unless otherwise specified, the text and photos are mine

From Russia with Love




very beautiful!

Thanks so much @tobetada!

А у нас дожди, уже почти месяц(((

Yes, beautiful and fragile. Lovely photos!

Thanks so much @patschwork :)