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RE: Amazing Nature thematic challenge - ants and anthills (8 foto)

in Amazing Nature3 years ago

Thank you for entering the competition.
You are right that the ants in the house are not pleasant companions: - /
I apologize for the "buildings". They were supposed to be an anthills. Not the body structure of an ant :-)



ah. ah. well. I had suspicions that (Chezh -- EN) translation might go wrong here. the word 'construction' could apply both to ants houses, and to the ants themselve. heh. I will not re-edit my post, what done is done... cheers!

 3 years ago  

A single wrong word can change the meaning of a sentence. Not to mention that no war broke out because of that :-)

happily note that we are peaceful bloggers here :D

 3 years ago  
