My common sunday walking

in Amazing Nature4 months ago (edited)

Good afternoon to all. Today is sunday, and like a resting day I always go to take a walk, this time I went to a forest. I live in Bauta, Cuba, it is winter here, but a very soft winter, I mean, 18 degrees. This is a good season in my country, because flowers show their colors and forms in an splendid ways. I took some pictures and I want to share with you this beautiful and magical moment, I got relaxed and full of energy.

This one is called Tithonia, Girasolillo or gold button, I love this flower, sometimes I took it and bring it to my wife. It is used like animal food, It has a very good smell, bees are always around it.

Here you are Capulli flower, is a medium tree, with sweet little fruits like berries, sometimes red but usually yellow, used to make delicious beverages, it smells good. I make a refreshing drink with its fruits.

OK its time to Verbena Cimarrona, this plant has a beautiful flower, but its great potential is revealed like a very useful plant to maintain a healthy skin. In our country is used for babies, little kids take a bath with Verbena and their skin stay healthy and out of the common medical ailing.

Last one, Cardo Santo. With beautiful yellow and thorny leaves. Used like a remedie for some stomach diseases. You can see a little wasp, I don't know its name, but I took it into my hand and I got stung, uuffff, very hard, a small wasp but a powerfull sting.

This is a small walk by my town's rural place, every sunday. Well, actually I really go there every time I have an oportunity. I'm a nature lover, I feel it like home.
I promise more pictures soon. Best regards, stay blessed, feel and enjoy each moment, stay alive and breathe the esential things around you.


The photography results are quite good from these flowering plants.

Thank you, they were taken with my Redmi 9A.

Very nice! Good info about all these plants just in case I need to use them. Mother nature is our best friend, it provides all we need to live... Great post my friend!!!

Thanks Yoyo, nature is all that we need, I love it.